Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I'd like to solve it please

It appears that Adriana would now like to buy a bowel

A Phrase:

J _ S T F_ R T B _ T C H

"Life is like the Wheel of Fortune, but it does take different roads. The measure of a person once we are gone from this life or once we're not talked about, is what we've left in the hearts of others," she said.
I adore this quote and I challenge everyone to use it at least once a day, particularly if you are defending Lindsay Lohan on driving charges.


Scott said...

"Buying a bowel" is indeed sheer genius.

Adriana Obscenities is still hanging on to her glory days, isn't she?

And perhaps Wheel of Fortune isn't the most apt game show reference. The Price is Right, maybe?

Adem With An E said...

Do you remember her Teddy Bear, Bertie, from Celebrity Big Brother? Fuck that was incredibly television. Little did we know it was an all access pass into the beginning of Obscenities' self destruction.